Full Online Interactive Community Toolkit

Full Interactive Online Toolkit [PDF - 2.13 MB]
Quick Reference - By Chapter
Chapter 1: Why Create a Community Toolkit?
Chapter 2: How the Toolkit Works
Chapter 3: What Can Communities Do?
Chapter 4: Funding Community Recruitment
Chapter 5: Promoting Your Community to Physicians
Chapter 6: Hosting Local Events and Physician Site Visits
Chapter 7: The Community Role in Retention
Chapter 8: Nova Scotia Health Supports and Resources
Nova Scotia Health has a limited number of print copies. To request one or request the right to print your own copy, please email physicianrecruit@nshealth.ca
This is a living document and we will endeavour to regularly update it's content. If you have helpful feedback or content suggestions, please email physiciancomms@nshealth.ca
To have your community work listed in our Helpful Links section, please email physicianrecruit@nshealth.ca