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Nova Scotia, Canada

Central Nova Scotia

Halifax, Eastern Shore, and Windsor-West Hants

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Cape Breton Island, Antigonish, and Guysborough

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Dr. Meaghan Keating

Lives in Sydney, NS
MD Recruitment and Retention Lead
Dr. Meaghan Keating

Dr. Meaghan Keating’s path to medicine was an unconventional one. She began university studying music with a major in violin performance at Memorial University and her original plan was to become an orchestral musician and teach.

“During my undergraduate degree, I really missed studying sciences and knew I had to find a career that incorporated both art and science, which led me to apply to medical school,” explained Dr. Keating.

Although this may seem like an unexpected way to enter medical school, Dr. Keating believes her background added a unique element to her application.

“Our medical school class at Dalhousie was extremely diverse and creative. I was one of many colleagues with artistic backgrounds, which added a really interesting dimension to our cohort of learners,” said Dr. Keating. “It was interesting to see the different strengths that each individual brought to the table and how that shaped their growth as doctors and decisions around specialty and type of practice.”

Dr. Keating now is a full time as a hospitalist at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital (CBRH) and frequently does family practice locums to keep up her skills in the office. 

When asked what her dream practice opportunity is, she replied, “my dream opportunity is exactly what I’m doing now!”

“I absolutely love my job at the CBRH and am so lucky to have a beautiful home on the water where I live with my husband and Newfoundland dogs,” said Dr. Keating.

In addition to a dream practice, Dr. Keating enjoys a quick 15-drive to work while still feeling like she lives in the country.

“There are not many places where you can wake up to a quiet sunrise on a river with the loons singing, and also be 15 minutes from a busy regional hospital with exciting medicine. It is such a cool balance,” said Dr. Keating. “Outside of work, you are never far from the ocean, and our geography offers incredible opportunity for anyone who likes being outside. Above all, our people are salt of the earth - warm, genuine, and grateful for care”.

In her spare time, Dr. Keating enjoys spending time with her husband and two dogs on the Mira River.

“In the summer we love to go boating, walk trails, and enjoy sunsets on our deck. In the winter we are often enjoying a snowstorm curled up by the wood fire or going skidooing in the Cape Breton Highlands,” said Dr. Keating

Dr. Keating and her husband also love to travel, and with an airport in Sydney they can easily access flights to dream destinations all over the world. 

Dr. Keating’s advice to any physicians thinking about practicing in Nova Scotia is to take advantage of the many opportunities across the province.

“If you are looking for true rural medicine, we have it. We also have urban opportunities in our bigger centres. From a professional perspective, we are big enough that opportunities are endless, and the work is exciting, but we’re still on a first name basis as colleagues,” said Dr. Keating.

Dr. Keating encourages anyone interested in practicing in Nova Scotia to reach out, noting “we are always happy to discuss our opportunities in Nova Scotia!”

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