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2023-24 Annual Physician Recruitment Progress Update

2 min read
Wed, May 1, 2024
@ 1:05 AM ADT
Posted by
Jessica Long
Communication Advisor, Medical Affairs

Please click on the link below to view the formatted version our Annual Progress Update Newsletter.

Intro Message

~Dr. Nicole Boutilier is Executive Vice President of Medicine and Clinical Operations at Nova Scotia Health and co-lead of the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment

Hello everyone,

I'm pleased to provide a detailed update of our physician recruitment work and summary of progress and results from the past fiscal year.
We are reporting an overall increase in candidates and another year in a net growth position for physicians in the province. We have vacancies to fill, especially with new positions being added to the provinces medical staff. Our focus continues to be on dominating the international recruitment landscape while prioritizing Dalhousie University residents and students. We continue to maintain the momentum of our province's brand, More than Medicine.
And, we are ending last year on a positive note with 42 pending letters of offer with anticipate start dates for these positions within the next six months.
There are many great numbers and updates in this report and if you have any questions, feel free to reply to

Other Highlights Include:

  • Focus on Resident Recruitment
  • Upcoming Conferences and Events
  • Profiles of great Nova Scotia physicians
  • Photos from the Road
  • Nova Scotia Health's First Ever Province-wide Job Fair